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  4. Is there a software simulator for the ALiEn2/ALiEn2 Expert?
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  3. Is there a software simulator for the ALiEn2/ALiEn2 Expert?
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  3. Is there a software simulator for the ALiEn2/ALiEn2 Expert?

Is there a software simulator for the ALiEn2/ALiEn2 Expert?


There is a full simulator for the ALiEn2/ALiEn2 Expert plunger lift controller that is built from the software that runs in the controller.

ALiEn2 PC Simulator

The simulator allows for:

  • Training without have a physical controller
  • Evaluating controller models and features
  • Giving controller demos
  • Testing Modbus (using TCP)
  • Access to manuals and instruction labels

Video Tutorial

See how to use the simulator by watching the video below.

Updated on 6 July 2020

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