The ALiEn2 line of plunger controllers has a feature called Non-Arrival to deal with plungers that do not arrive within the specified Rise Time.
Non-Arrival Event
When the controller determines that a plunger arrival has been missed, it records a Non-Arrival, shuts the Sales Valve, and enters the Non-Arrival Close state instead of the normal Close state.
Non-Arrival Close
The Non-Arrival Close Time is set by default to be two (2) times the Close Time. This longer amount of time is to allow the plunger to not only reach the bottom of the well again, but build more pressure to rise the plunger quicker on the next cycle.
Non-Arrival Alarm
In Install>Alarms, you can set a Non-Arrival Count. When the number of consecutive Non-Arrival events reaches the Non-Arrival Count, the controller will move to the Stopped state and the well will be moved to open or closed based on the Non-Arrival Fail Mode.
Pre Non-Arrival
If you wish to allow multiple Non-Arrivals to occur and run the standard Close Time before moving to the longer Non-Arrival Close Time, you can enable the Pre Non-Arrival feature. This allows the installer to specify a number of consecutive missed arrivals that must occur before counting a Non-Arrival and moving to the Non-Arrival Close.
Once the controller has used up the specified number of Pre Non-Arrivals and has counted a Non-Arrival, each subsequent consecutive missed arrival will add to the Non-Arrival Count.