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  3. Why does my Cyclops miss arrivals or not signal to the controller?
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  4. Why does my Cyclops miss arrivals or not signal to the controller?
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  3. Why does my Cyclops miss arrivals or not signal to the controller?

Why does my Cyclops miss arrivals or not signal to the controller?

Cyclops is the most sensitive and flexible plunger arrival sensor ever, but even it can miss arrivals in some circumstances:

  • It is connected to an RTU/PLC with a voltage input. Click here to resolve
  • It isn’t wired correctly
  • There is not at least 5V supplied
  • The sensitivity is too low
  • The plunger is not ferrous
    • For non-ferrous plungers, mount Cyclops near the anvil/spring
    • Use plungers with some steel content
    • Use plungers with magnets sunk into them
  • The plunger is not reaching surface
  • The sensitivity dial has been left in Program Mode (0)

See what Cyclops Sees

Link Kit

You can use Vision Device Management and Link Device Connection to interact with Cyclops in real time. Click here for more details.

Updated on 29 June 2020

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